Mind Your Manners: Cannabis Etiquette For 2023


Mind Your Manners: Cannabis Etiquette For 2023

Finally, we have made it to a pivotal point in history where we can freely discuss cannabis use, write articles on it, and legally use it. Less than a decade ago, one could only find information on cannabis in High Times magazine and other fringe media. Today, readers can find thousands of articles on weed online. Old-school stoners may now speak freely and shamelessly about the customs of their society. Seasoned users have a lot to contribute, and novice users have much to learn about how to utilize cannabis in a social context.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if Miss Manners would write a book on cannabis etiquette? She could give us the official word on crucial questions like whether to pass to the left or the right. Instead, we have legends like the Smokey (from the Friday Film Series)who taught us to take two hits and then pass on the joint to the next guy (“puff puff give”).

From the early days of Cheech & Chong to Snoop Dogg (and now even Mike Tyson), we have collected rules and guidelines on how, when, where, and with whom we smoke or use weed. So let’s look at the basics of cannabis etiquette to ensure you’re not being “rude” the next time you toke up with friends.

Don’t Bogart

The word “bogarting” comes from Humphrey Bogart’s habit of letting a cigarette dangle out of his lips while not smoking it. When you chat, don’t inhale and sit there yapping while others are waiting for their turn. In other words, don’t squander the cannabis. Greens are burning, so please puff, puff, pass.

Puff, Puff, Pass

We don’t know who originally termed the coin, but it’s ingrained into standard weed etiquette. From Snoop Dogg’s Puff Puff Pass concert tour to the Puff Puff Pass marijuana-inspired clothing line to Smokey telling Craig to “puff puff give” in the movie Friday. (click here for the scene and a good laugh). Weed smokers everywhere know to take two hits off the joint or blunt and then pass… to the LEFT people. To the LEFT.

Why Pass to the Left?

A decanter of port (glass or container of wine) is traditionally given to the left, following the Navy’s practice of doing so on the “port” (or left) side. This is probably why we pass to the left today when sharing a joint, blunt, pipe, or bong. This way, no one gets confused about whose turn it is, and the conversation can stay on more enjoyable things rather than “whose turn is it?” or “hey, you skipped me!”

Ash It Before You Pass It

Before you pass that spliff to the left, ash it. Just a quick tap of your finger can show a lot of love. Not only is it kind to pass the next guy fresh fire, but you also don’t want to burn your friend’s furniture or clothing. And don’t ash it on their floor. When in doubt, ash it in your hand.

Cornering the Bowl

When it’s your turn to put that fire on the bowl, do not—let us repeat—do not torch the entire thing. It is bound to enrage your smoke buddies. Lighting up the entire bowl is a massive waste of flower burning more than you inhale. Instead, be gentle and just light the edge or “corner.” This also gives the next guy a chance to hit fresh greens rather than burnt ash.

Don’t Blow in Someone’s Face

While this rule should go without saying, apparently, it needs to be pointed out. The best way to enrage your sesh partner is to blow your smoke in their face (or even general direction). So when you exhale, be mindful and blow that weed smoke up toward the sky (if outside) or toward the open window (if inside).

First Greens

Now, “first greens” is debatable. If it’s that guy’s pot, and he packed the bowl or rolled the joint, then he should get the first hit. Or should he? It sure feels nice when someone hands you the ganja for the first greens. On this one, we let Leafly.com be the authority. Here is their take: “Whether packing a pipe or loading bong loads for a few smokers, never hit the bowl first. Be the host with the most. Be gracious.” We have to agree with this one.

The Lighter

Stirring the bowl should never be done with someone else’s lighter. Not everyone is cool with the bottom edge of their lighter all burnt up. Also, when you pass the bowl, pass the lighter too. Nothing is more annoying than getting handed a bowl without any fire to light it. As a basic rule, respect the lighter as much as the grass.

Don’t Leave Saliva (Gross)

Keep your lips pursed and avoid making contact with your tongue or inside lips. No one wants your saliva. NOBODY. Try not to consume the joint or the blunt. Also, don’t drool into the bong because you hit it too hard. Go ahead and give the mouthpiece a quick clean before moving on; you will get mad respect for that one.

Sharing is Caring

Have you ever been to a party or someone’s house, and a girl is standing there smoking by herself as if she is all alone in the room? It’s extremely rude and almost hurtful. Proper weed etiquette says, “if you don’t have enough to share, don’t smoke it in front of others.” Instead, always ask those around you if they would like to partake.

Knowing and practicing correct weed etiquette is a good idea if you don’t want to seem like a jerk the next time you visit your friend’s place for a joint. Of course, you don’t have to, but It’d be much cooler if you did.

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