How to Reset Your Tolerance to Cannabis


How to Reset Your Tolerance to Cannabis

Cannabis tolerance is the body’s natural adaptation to the presence of THC. Over time, someone who regularly uses cannabis may need to consume larger doses to achieve the same effects as before. This is due to the body’s metabolism and the natural process of adaptation. As THC is metabolized, the body develops a tolerance to it, so more is needed to get the same effects.

When it comes to cannabis, tolerance can quickly build up and leave the user feeling like they are no longer experiencing the desired effects. This can be frustrating, as many users start taking higher doses to enjoy their experience. Fortunately, it is possible to reset your cannabis tolerance and get that magic back.

The most effective way to reset your cannabis tolerance is to take a break from using it altogether. However, it is important to note that the duration of the tolerance break will vary depending on the individual. Some factors include how often you use cannabis, your body composition, and how long you want to abstain. Generally speaking, a tolerance break should last from as little as seven days to as long as thirty days.

Resetting your tolerance to cannabis by taking a break can sound like a difficult task for many people. But it doesn’t have to be. There are a few things you can do to make abstinence from THC easier than it sounds. Tapering and adding supplements are two ways to get through a tolerance break with ease. Let’s take a look at these a little closer.


Gradually weaning off cannabis can make a tolerance break more bearable than quitting “cold turkey.” Reducing the amount of THC you use by lowering the dose over time allows your body to adjust and enter a state of homeostasis. In addition, it can help alleviate undesired side effects and keep you on track with your reset goals.

To taper, you need to know exactly how much you use first. To do this, track how much cannabis you use in a full day. Then you can reduce it each day depending on how fast you want to taper. It’s a good idea to reduce the amount you use each time rather than over an entire day. For example, if you are a smoker, take two hits less per session rather than skipping a session. This lets your body adjust easier.


Taking supplements during a cannabis tolerance break can be a great way to ensure your body stays nourished, energized, and balanced. In addition, they can help provide your body with the necessary vitamins, minerals, and other compounds to make the break more successful and comfortable. Here are six excellent supplements to make your taper and abstinence a sinch.

  • CBD – Perhaps the most effective supplement to help you with your tolerance break is CBD. This cannabinoid can give you all the benefits of THC without the buzz or ruining your break.
  • Oleamide – Studies suggest that oleamide acts through the endocannabinoid system. This organic compound may help reduce the anxiety and irritability associated with tolerance breaks. Users have also reported oleamide helps with sleep disturbance.
  • Multivitamin – Adding a quality multivitamin can help to replenish essential vitamins and minerals while providing the body with vital nutrients that can help to make the break more effective.
  • L.Theanine – This amino acid found in green and black tea has a calming, relaxing effect on the body and helps to reduce stress levels. Research has shown that L.Theanine can help reduce anxiety and improve overall well-being. Its calming effects can also help you sleep better.
  • Polygala Tenuifolia – Polygala is an apt name for this poly-beneficial supplement. It can help boost both acetylcholine and dopamine levels. It can also increase synaptic transmission and stimulate brain-derived nerve growth factor. This natural herb is a brain-healthy powerhouse. Moreover, it not only increases acetylcholine but also upregulates it. This means it aids in the repair of cholinergic receptors that can be damaged with chronic cannabis use.
  • Uridine – It’s no secret that THC significantly affects dopamine, and abstaining from it can cause a drop in dopamine levels. Uridine is a naturally occurring nucleotide that has been shown to increase the generation and release of dopamine. Uridine not only increases dopamine levels but also helps repair dopamine receptors.

For more information on how THC affects neurotransmission, supplements you can take while using cannabis, and how to choose the best quality supplements, see our article: The Best Supplements for Cannabis Users.

Resetting your tolerance to cannabis doesn’t have to be a bad time. With a taper and some good supplements, you may even find that you enjoy the break. Throw in some exercise and plenty of sunlight, and you’ll be putting the spark back in sparking up easier and quicker than you think.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Always consult a licensed healthcare professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program.

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