Cannabis Concentrate Spotlight: Rick Simpson Oil


Cannabis Concentrate Spotlight: Rick Simpson Oil

Rick Simpson Oil has become a cornerstone in the world of cannabis products. Renowned for its versatility, this concentrate offers a multitude of benefits for both medical patients and recreational users.
In this blog, Green Core Specialty Insurances gives you everything you need to know about Rick Simpson Oil. We spotlight its origins, production process, benefits, and future.

What is Rick Simpson Oil?

“RSO is a very potent and versatile form of cannabis that can be used in many different ways to treat a variety of conditions.” – Dr. Dustin Sulak, osteopathic physician and medical cannabis expert.

Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO, is a thick, dark oil made from cannabis. While it is considered a concentrate, it is also sold as edible and topical.
RSO is named after Rick Simpson, a Canadian engineer. Mr Simpson created the oil to treat his cancer and claimed it helped him recover. He shared his story online and as people tried RSO for themselves, word spread. RSO quickly became known worldwide for its potential healing properties. Although the engineer himself no longer makes the oil, it continues to be a staple cannabis product.

What Makes RSO Different?

While other concentrates focus on THC or CBD, RSO aims to provide the full range of effects from the cannabis plant. It is a full-spectrum extract designed to keep as many of the plant’s natural compounds as possible. This includes cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids that work together to create what is known as the “entourage effect,” enhancing the therapeutic benefits of the oil.

The Production Process

RSO is produced through a specific extraction process designed to retain the full spectrum of beneficial compounds in the cannabis plant. Here’s how it is made:

Selecting the Cannabis

High-quality cannabis with a high concentration of THC is chosen. This ensures that the final product is potent and effective.

Solvent Extraction

High-quality cannabis with a high concentration of THC is chosen. This ensures that the final product is potent and effective.


After the plant material has soaked for a sufficient time, the mixture is strained to remove any solid plant matter, leaving behind a liquid solution that contains the dissolved compounds.


The liquid solution is then heated to evaporate the solvent. This is usually done using a rice cooker or similar device to ensure even heating. The goal is to evaporate the solvent completely, leaving behind a thick, dark oil.


The remaining oil, now RSO, is collected and stored in syringes or other airtight containers. This makes it easy to measure and use the oil as needed.

Purity Testing

For commercial production, the RSO is often tested for purity and potency. This step ensures that the oil is free from residual solvents and has the desired concentration of cannabinoids and other compounds.

Benefits of Rick Simpson Oil

RSO carries the same reported benefits as that of THC and CBD products but is considered to be more effective for conditions such as:

  • Cancer: Some users claim RSO may help manage cancer symptoms and potentially slow tumor growth.
  • Chronic pain: Its concentrated form may provide stronger and longer-lasting pain relief.
  • Multiple sclerosis: RSO might help alleviate symptoms like muscle spasms and nerve pain.
  • Epilepsy: Some report reduced frequency and intensity of seizures with RSO use.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): The oil may help manage symptoms like anxiety and insomnia.
  • Arthritis: Its anti-inflammatory properties could potentially reduce joint pain and swelling.
  • Insomnia: RSO’s sedative effects may promote better sleep quality.
  • Appetite stimulation: It may be particularly beneficial for those undergoing chemotherapy or with eating disorders.
  • Skin conditions: Topical application might help with issues like psoriasis or eczema.
  • Neurological disorders: Some users report improvements in conditions like Parkinson’s disease.

*It’s important to note that while many users report these benefits, scientific research on RSO’s efficacy for these conditions is limited. Always consult with a healthcare professional before using RSO or any cannabis product for medical purposes.

The Future of RSO

The future of Rick Simpson Oil is hopeful but stands at the crossroads of science, law, and social change. As cannabis legalization expands globally, RSO may become more accessible, potentially spurring increased research and standardization. This could lead to refined production methods and possibly mainstream medical acceptance.

“As legalization spreads, we’ll likely see more standardized, pharmaceutical-grade RSO products entering the market.” – Jane Wilson, cannabis industry analyst.

Rick Simpson Oil represents a unique and potent cannabis concentrate with a passionate following and intriguing potential. While its purported benefits are wide-ranging, from pain management to possible cancer treatment support, it’s crucial to approach RSO with informed caution.

As with any cannabis product, responsible use and continued scientific inquiry will be key in determining RSO’s long-term place in the industry.

Medical Disclaimer: RSO has not been evaluated or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for medical use.

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